
Showing posts from November, 2013

8 Universitas Top di Amerika Serikat (Ivy League Universities)

Pernah dengar julukan Ivy League? Untuk kamu-kamu yang memimpikan kuliah di tempat yang "kece" di luar negeri, kamu pasti sudah pernah mendengar apa itu Ivy League Universities. Kalau belum pernah, ya ampun, seriously? really? Untuk kalian yang belum tau, saya kasih tau deh apa itu Ivy League Universities.

The Difference Between Fiction and Nonfiction

What is fiction? What is nonfiction?

Anime/Manga Adaptation into Live-Action You're Gonna Love!

       Ever wondered how it would be like if your favorite anime/manga turned into a live action film or TV show? Well, I'm sure you're gonna be excited. I'm sooo exciteeeed!! Yoo Hoooo~ This is a list of what I thought are the best live-action adaptation from japanese manga/anime :) Let's start with~

Resensi Novel Sangga Langit

Sangga langit? Maksudnya menyangga langit dengan kedua tangan mungkin ya, kaya gambar di atas? Tapi tidak, tentu saja tidak. Sangga langit adalah sebuah novel yang pernah saya resensi dan diikutkan lomba. Alhamdulillah menang, juara lima. Lumayan :D Lalu cerita apa sih sebenarnya sangga langit itu? :)

What is a Dreamcatchers?

Recently, I've found something interesting about dreamcathers. In my opinion, It's very beautiful, and the history behind it is so meaningful. Dreamcatchers are the most recognizable Native American symbol in the country today. For many Native Americans, they represent tradition and the dreamcatcher legends that have been handed down for generations. For some, they are the symbol of Native American unity. But for others, dreamcatchers are simply tacky tourist souvenirs that are made in China and shipped to this country to be sold as authentic Native American crafts. Several Native American tribes have tried to bring their meaning back by crafting dreamcatchers from traditional materials. By learning the meanings behind these beautiful, woven circles, you can gain a deeper appreciation of the craft and the beliefs behind their creation.


           Hari itu, Emy berjalan menelusuri komplek rumahnya yang baru. Ia baru pindah kemarin. Sore ini, tidak banyak anak-anak kecil bermain di komplek itu . Emy merasakan ada sesuatu yang janggal .           “Aneh, sejak tadi aku tidak melihat anak-anak seumuranku bermain. Kemana mereka ?” gumamnya. Emy terus berjalan menelusuri komplek itu, ia ingin mengetahui seluk beluk komplek tempat tinggalnya yang baru. Ia juga penasaran, yang dilihatnya hanyalah anak-anak kecil yang sedang bermain, ia belum melihat anak seumurannya. Tiba-tiba, Emy merasa ada yang mengikutinya dari belakang.

Surat, July 30th 2011

July, what's wrong with July? It's a magical day for me. And I will tell you a story about what happened on my 16th birthday on July 30th. A story about friendship, when your best friend who you thought would support you no matter what, couldn't come to your birthday and a friend that you thought just a friend, was the one who gave you the strength and made a smile to your face. July is my favorite month, and even if it's November now, I suddenly remembered this event. Because it bring smile to my face, as I grown up, and learn many thing. The memory remains, and it engraves in my heart.

A Fiction Story About Stanford University

So, when I surf through the internet, I've found something interesting. It's a fiction story about a rejection that led to the founding of Standford University. While this seems like a true story, it is said that it's actually a fiction. This story also brought another famous university name. Curious? Read this story.

Good Romantic Comedy With Sizzling Moments Manga Recommendation Part 2

Yep! Part 2 is here! after the first  part of manga recommendation, I've come for another part of manga recommendation. So, how do you find the first manga recommendation? =) Hope you like it. This manga recommendation is based on manga that I read and loved. Well, here is the 2nd part of manga recommendation, in no particular order :

What's the meaning of my blog name 'Noveler'?

What is noveler anyway? So, it's basically just my words play. It's a combination of Novel&Traveler. It means travel around novel, or a novel about traveler, well, you can put it anything you like :) I love novel and I love travel I also love making some fiction story, well, I stop halfway because I got bored or run up of ideas but still, I like it. The purpose of this blog is actually sharing with people who has the same hobbies as me and to entertain people, er okay, actually I made this blog to fulfill one of my teacher's homework :P I hope there will be no plagiarism though :( So, what kind of blog is my blog?

Musikalisasi Puisi

Salam sastra! waktu SMP, pernah disuruh sama guru Bahasa Indonesia untuk membuat musikalisasi puisi, nah, setelah mencari-cari di documents, ternyata ketemu file musikalisasi puisinya. Puisi berjudul Bumiku yang kelompokku buat dan kami musikalisasikan menggunakan lagu Ibu yang dinyanyikan oleh Shakira. Check it out ya..

Review Thalie de Molenes MATILDA

Jadi, waktu lagi liat-liat tugas jadul, ketemu nih, tugas resensi novel dari buku yang ada di perpustakaan waktu SMP. Buku ini cukup bagus dan menarik, cocok untuk anak kecil dan memiliki banyak nilai-nilai moral. Nah, kita check it out aja ya bukunya.

Summary of a story, Faust

What's The Story Of The Day?

Good Romantic Comedy With Sizzling Moments Manga Reccomendation Part 1

Helo there bored manga lovers! I have some reccommendation for you who love shoujo romantic comedy manga type! It's a manga that I love so I don't know about you guys but this is just a list of manga that I've read though. So here's the recommendation :

How To Make A Banana Split

PROCEDURAL TEXT "HOW TO MAKE A BANANA SPLIT WITH YOUR OWN STYLE" One of group / individual assignment in English project given by Mrs. Tina Marlina, S.Pd.

Deutsch Hobbys

Waktu itu kebetulan ada tugas B. Jerman dari Bu Tuntun, disuruh ngetikin Hobby kita. nah ini adalah hasil tugas tersebut. Maaf ya kalau B. Jermannya ada kesalahan, maklum masih beginner sih Bahasa Jermannya-_- Nasib telat belajar. Hihihi

Review Trilogi The Hunger Games

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor." The Hunger Games trilogi adalah seri young adult science-fiction adventure (seri petualangan fiksi ilmiah untuk dewasa muda) oleh Suzanne Collins. Trilogi ini terdiri dari The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, dan Mockingjay. Buku pertama dan kedua merupakan New York Times Bestsellers, dan Mockingjay merajai seluruh list US Bestseller ketika rilis. Adaptasi film dari The Hunger Games ini dirilis pada tahun 2012.